Friday, April 13, 2012

Everything In A Different Way

When I see the moon; I think of the millions of people looking up at it..
I stop and think that maybe your looking up at it just like me.
I see it as a way that just for one moment we are one.
For one moment we are connected.
For one moment I am strong.
But then again,
I see everything in a different way.

These eyes that are watching me are like a child's.
A child who hasn't yet learned that it is rude to stare at someone; tears streaming.
But that's just what everyone wants.
They sneak side glances at you.
Everyone is just waiting for me to slip up; to make a mistake.
And that's fine with me.
Because I have come to terms with this world.
And all I can hope to accomplish on this Earth is to try and love.
Even though that can be very hard.
...Maybe I see everything in a different way.

Sometimes I wonder if certain things hadn't happened to me..
Would I be different?
What if...
What I hadn't been there that night?
What if they hadn't hurt me?
What if I still had some innocence..

While being directed for a theater production, 
A girl had to cuddle and flirt with someone,
She was uncomfortable.
The director said,
"..It's OK. I love that your uncomfortable. That shows such beautiful innocence."
She blushed and looked away shyly; a bit embarrassed.
I sat and pondered this..
What would I have done?

I was jealous of that girl in that moment..
I would have know what to do.
Such beautiful, amazing, pure, sweet...

People can see the same situation yet,
...See everything in a different way.

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