Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Corn Flakes

There is no sunlight in my room,
Just a wind current disturbing my roses,
Kicking up dusty memories into the air.

The pillow smells like cigarettes,
But the cigarettes aren't from me.
The fish in the tank fight.

My fingers shake as I try to open the pill bottle,
Just an unfortunate side effect from this medicine I take.
They don't want me to gobble them up like M&Ms.

 What does it mean when crooks take pity on me?

Katy Perry and the U-Version of the Bible fight for air time,
As I think of new ways to paint my nails,
And ponder if there is actually someone in the world who died alone.

I don't like the way she calls you, "Mike."
There's a beautiful fire in my heart.
Hey Diddle Diddle, you can't solve this riddle.

Mom's been hooked on bills,
Sister's looking for time to kill.
We all stay home, but no one is ever around.

Babies cry tears for you,
As the mothers whisper in the dark.
I can't find any batteries inside the kitchen drawer. 

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