Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fears Vs. Dreams

Hello faithful followers!
    Wow. This is so much easier than trying to write a poem. Hopefully, there will only be a few poems thrown into this little post. Just for the heck of it, of course. I'm going to try this out. (You know. The whole talk-to-them-don't-give-them-Confucian-metaphor-shit.) So for the thirty of you who read often, and the ones who pop in from time-to-time, I hope you enjoy. The least you can do is, JustListen.

I've been thinking a lot. Fears vs. Dreams.  If you're thinking to yourself, "Gosh! That sounds vaguely familiar," you would be correct. Fears vs. Dreams is a branch of "To Write Love On Her Arms." They aim to remind you that you should never give up on life, and that YOU as an individual are worth loving whether it be by others or just learning to love yourself. It's like...Coming to terms with who you are, but in a positive way. The whole experience is meant to help you grow. Need an example? Ok. Let's start with me.

Fear: Having no one to turn to 

Dream: Love myself

Seems easy enough right? Well, that little bit took me about twenty minutes. I have so many fears and insecurities that it was really hard to choose. I had to think, "Which one would I want to rid myself of most?"
And as for dreams. That one wasn't as tough but, there was a point in my life where I was just like, "Ok. This is it. What is there to look forward to now?" Sometimes I truly did believe there was nothing left for me. But, that is a different story..

To Write Love On Her Arms.

Is that what you preach?
How can you even say that?
You have put so much distance between us,
I'm out of your reach.

Fears vs. Dreams.
What happens when my fears come like Hell descending on me?
Are all my dreams just going to drown in smoke?
Which one is the devil?
My fears or my dreams?
Because everything and everyone aren't always what they seem..


There's not much I can do.
I'm only one me.
And I'm not very important to a lot of people,
So that's not helping my case much..

Yeah, that didn't rhyme very well,
But rhymes aren't so important when you are trying to save a life.
I got lost in the dark,
And I couldn't find myself.
Until I found myself wondering, 
"How do I save a life?"
How did I answer that question? How could I? I needed to start with me. To Write Love On Her Arms has this new campaign that I am REALLY excited about. Please: STAY ALIVE. Genius right? I've probably said that a hundred times. 
A hundred times.  
That's scary right? I think it is. It scares me that at one point someone I love was ready to give up. 
But why didn't you? 
You had FEARS. 
And guess what else you probably had?
But if you didn't have either of those, don't get mad at me for it. I'm just blogging. And you are, JustListening.

This month was suicide awareness month. And honestly, I should wear my freaking "LOVE IS THE MOVEMENT" T-Shirt every single day of my life. I really do believe that. Maybe if we just start loving everyone and everything around us, everything will turn out peachy. I don't really know. I do know that we should love ourselves. 
I love you. Please: STAY ALIVE.



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