Most people say that you can just be you and be beautiful.
You know? The whole no make up and hair tied thing?
Well, that's all good and fine if you think that.
What makes me beautiful?
When I stand in front of my mirror and add my eyeliner in smooth strokes,
When I add my eyeshadow I feel so glamorous.
Ever since I was little it was nice.
I would add too many sparkles here-and-there.
But now, in delicate strokes I add shimmer to my face; sparingly.
When I add my lip stick, I can be anyone else in the world.
But in that moment, I can't think of anything better than being me.
No, I'm not the best at putting on make up.
I was never taught.
I was never taught how to put my hair into a pony tail.
I was never taught how to braid.
I still can't braid.
I think that is why I love it when people grab my hair and start braiding.
It means something to me, a lot actually.
My boyfriend braids my hair.
I'll just lay back and relax.
It means as much to me as a kiss.
It is special because he knows why it means so much.
So when I hear people say, "Awe you are so pretty without your make up!"
That's fine.
But when someone says that people are
"Ugly underneath all that make up"
"Not as strong as people who don't wear it."
That's not OK, because that's what makes me beautiful.
That's what makes me feel beautiful.
That's not OK, because that's what makes me beautiful.
That's what makes me feel beautiful.
I love this one :')